Coach Erik has successfully been recertified for jan-dec 2024 and welcome existing and new athletes for coaching with our special arrangement of donation instead of ordinary coaching fee.
New General Counsel at Extenda Retail
We are delighted to have Erik Blomberg join Extenda Retail at this exciting time of change and growth in the company. With Erik’s strong international experience and outstanding track record of managing change, creating best-in-class legal and controlling processes, and his focus and energy in continually driving stakeholder value, I am sure Erik will be pivotal in the journey to shifting our company to the next level of performance”, says Leendert H Venema, CEO of Extenda Retail.
Sweden – Tuesday, 29th June, 2021: Erik B:son Blomberg, currently hired by Extenda Retail as interim legal consultant since February 2021, has accepted an employment position as Extenda Retail’s new General Counsel and will head the legal function of the Extenda Retail Group.
Erik will continue to be a member of Extenda Retail’s Executive Management Team and will also act as corporate secretary of Extenda Retail Group Board of Directors.
Erik is a recognised lawyer with proven strong command in several core legal areas after many years working with the largest law firms as well as working as inhouse lawyer with several large corporations, including Extenda Retail’s clients PostNord, Systembolaget and Apoteket.
We are delighted to have Erik Blomberg join Extenda Retail at this exciting time of change and growth in the company. With Erik’s strong international experience and outstanding track record of managing change, creating best-in-class legal and controlling processes, and his focus and energy in continually driving stakeholder value, I am sure Erik will be pivotal in the journey to shifting our company to the next level of performance”, says Leendert H Venema, CEO of Extenda Retail.
Erik will transition from his current assignment and assume his position on 1 July 2021.
For further information please contact:
Ebba Nyberg
Marketing Manager
Extenda Retail
Tel. +46 732 512 561

IRONMAN University recertification completed 2021-2022
Assignment as acting General Counsel for Extenda Retail
BCCAB has entered into a new assignment taking on the interim role as acting General Counsel / Head of Legal for the Extenda Retail Group.

BCCAB nytt samarbete med Extenda Retail

B:son Corporate Consulting AB har ingått ett uppdragsavtal för stöd till Extenda Retail AB avseende interim senior legal counsel för att stötta juristfunktionen och verksamheten i övrigt. Uppdraget har påbörjats den 15 februari 2021.
Om Extenda:
Extenda Retail har sitt ursprung i sammanslagningen mellan Visma Retail och Extenda – två ledande retail tech-bolag som tillsammans kan erbjuda en bred portfölj lösningar för detaljhandeln. Utbudet sträcker sig hela vägen från kassalösningar (point of sale) och tech-verktyg i butik, till lageroptimering, back office och ERP. Vi är stolta över vår omfattande kundbas som sträcker sig över hela Norden och vidare ut i Europa. Våra lösningar används idag i över 35 länder, en siffra som ständigt växer i takt med våra kunder.
Extenda Retail is a global software provider to retailers. By clever use of technology, we create solutions for the next generation of retail experience. We are proud of our extensive client base of leading retailers spanning 35+ countries and counting. Our software enables smooth transactions, operations, and customer journeys and we specialise in the industries of Grocery, Pharmaceutical, Convenience & fuel, and Fashion & specialised trade.
BCCAB intervjuas av JUREK och publiceras på LinkedIn

Hur är det att arbeta som interim konsult inom juridik? Vi har tidigare resonerat kring hur den interima marknaden ser ut idag inom juridik respektive ekonomi, och i linje med detta har vi passat på att ta en pratstund med en av konsulterna i vårt nätverk inom Jurek Law – Erik B:son Blomberg. Vi pratade om hans bakgrund, hur han ser på marknaden för juristkonsulter idag, vilka kompetenser som efterfrågas och hur det har varit att samarbeta med oss. Läs hela intervjun här!
BCCAB samarbete med ENIRO
BCCAB ingår nytt samarbete med ENIRO avseende löpande juridisk rådgivning

SYSTEMBOLAGET och BCCAB tecknar konsultavtal angående projektet ”GDPR 2.0”
BCCAB kommer att leda ett projekt för att ta Systembolaget till nästa nivå i sin hantering av dataskyddsfrågor / GDPR.

IRONMAN – Why is it important to get a Coach
Mark Allen – Ironman U Master Coach
BCCAB invests in Race 2 Race
Experienced investors and a triple Vasaloppet champion invest in fast-growing startup — oversubscribed despite Corona has in a short time become Sweden’s largest endurance race platform and in the last six months has expanded the business to 29 countries. Now Race 2 Race AB, the company behind, closes an oversubscribed investment round in the middle of the ongoing Corona pandemic. The company strengthens its balance sheet with over SEK 5mn and is preparing to continue the growth journey with the goal of becoming the choice for race participants in the world.
We are extremely proud of our growth journey so far and it feels incredible to be able to close an investment round in these times. It’s been a tough job, but we’ve had the support of our investors throughout the process. Now we can focus on developing our business and our international expansion, says Johan Jakobsson, CEO of Race 2 Race AB.
In addition to existing investors, the company also brings in several well-known investors and sports profiles including the triple Vasaloppet winner, Daniel Tynell, and the newly started co-investment risk company Cross Nordic Capital, which is a network of experienced angel investors from Keiretsu Forum Nordics. The co-investment risk company invests in early stages in startups with great potential where they can take an active role and utilize the network’s competence network. is on an impressive journey with rapid development, growth, international expansion and, above all, a great potential in the business model. From the first meeting, the revenue model has been clear and the go-to-market strategy as well. In addition to investing in financial resources, we will also actively contribute expertise to help the company during the growth journey, says Anette Nordvall Managing Partner at Cross Nordic Capital.
Despite the pandemic leaving deep footprints in the endurance race industry, has been able to adapt to the situation by quickly opening up the platform for virtual races. Among other things, the platform can boast of being a partner to Sweden’s largest virtual race, Coronamilen, with almost 9500 participants. is a digital platform for endurance races where the company has the ambition to build the world’s best community for race participants. The platform has in a short time expanded to all the world’s continents with global agreements with, among others, the triathlon series, the XTRI World tour, and the world series within Swimrun, ÖTILLÖ. The service is currently taking entries for over 700 races and will have over 100,000 registrations through the system by 2020.
Johan Jakobsson, CEO Race 2 Race AB
Tel: 46 (0) 708–88 52 62