Feedback from athletes

5 March 2024:
This post has been a long time coming.
I need to apologise to @stoebb mentor and coach for taking so long to get this post out.
One of the last things Erik said to me as he left for Kona was this ” If you ever want to do Ironman, I will happily coach you,”
It took me a long time, and some courage to reach out for some help. I asked the question, and help was offered. I went from being lost in a maze of training and not knowing which way to go for the best to have a pathway laid out for me.
Enter coach, Erik. One Google Meet call, and my mind was put at ease. I was told to keep my preparations going and given a date at which the training would commence, and we were set.
Between that date and mid-September, when the plan started, we communicated frequently to keep the communication lines open.
Mid-september arrived, and the plan commenced. At first, I was unsure, but I followed the plan meticulously to ensure that I was putting myself where I needed to be. Come March 23.
The plan gave me a base at which to work from. I am a creature of habit and love the fact that I can have something to work to, and not just guesswork.
A lot of sweat, some tears at times, and always a friendly message or Google meet to put me at ease and tell me I was heading in the right direction. Coach Erik knew what to say and when to say it for maximum effect.
In the last 3 weeks, we were hit by cyclone ”Gabrielle” and short, but meaningful messages were relayed at a time when tensions were high. Hawkes Bay was a mess, everything was closed, there was no chance to swim-even open water was dangerous.
7 days later, power was restored, and some normality returned to life. (Not for everyone) I had 2 weeks to go before @ironmannz, and I was determined to make the start line.
In the days leading up to the start, life was frantic, but the words from Coach were firm! Stay focused. You’ve got this !
He was right. We crossed the line 13 hrs 1min 32secs feeling great !
Success and knowing you made the right choice is such a great feeling, but having the right person behind you, when you need them, is priceless.
To be a 2 x Ironman finisher feels amazing.
Thank you, Coach Erik!
Gary ”Gaz” Fazackerley , Ironman New Zealand 2023 and 2024

Ironman has been something I have wanted to do for a long long time. I knew it would be big and I knew the training would be full on. I moved to Sweden in 2022 so didn’t really have a network to lean on, so I created a plan myself and set about clocking up the miles.
With just 6 weeks to go, I met Erik who offered to review my plan for the remaining weeks and give me some pointers. It was in this conversation that I really understood what Ironman was all about and what I needed to do in those last 6 weeks to give me the best chance of a good race day experience.
Erik’s expertise and knowledge of Ironman is something else. It is both inspiring and incredibly exciting speaking with Erik. You know immediately you are in safe hands. I listened, I learned and I trusted and followed Erik’s advice and recommendations. Those last 6 weeks, I believe, set me up for crossing the finish line feeling good, with a smile on my face and in 12 hours and 20 minutes. The photo says it all. I only wonder what might have been possible had I met Erik at the start of my Ironman journey…..who knows…perhaps there is another one in me
Shona, Ironman Kalmar 2023

Erik was instrumental to my 2022 long-distance triathlon season and fulfilling my long-standing goal to qualify for and finish the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. Throughout the year leading up to the qualifier and championship, Erik and I had a regular dialogue with clear feedback around both overall target setting, design of the training regime, key sessions to nail, as well as specific pre-race preparations, mental models to leverage, and tips and tricks to combine the program with work and family commitments. Erik is a very knowledgeable, professional, and supporting coach and was always available throughout the journey. I would recommend anyone that wants to reach their endurance sports goals to consult Erik
Gustav, Ironman Kalmar 2022 and Ironman World Championship Kona 2022

Erik has been coaching me during this year to reach my goal to complete the full distance Ironman Kalmar in 2023.
I did it! And without him, my experience wouldn’t have been the same!
The training program has been a foundation to follow and together with Erik we have adapted it to me, my strenghts and improvement areas. He has been there during these months of training and supported me on my own level. Not only with the training concept but also with everything around Triathlon that can be confusing to someone who is a beginner.
I respect him a lot and you can nothing but admire his knowledge and experience in the sport!
That his ”payment” is through charity donations gave me the chance to contribute to important Cancer research, which in itself is something to be proud of!
Once again THANK YOU Erik for helping me reach my goal!
Johanna, Ironman Kalmar 2023

IRONMAN 70.3 and full distance IRONMAN Kalmar
When I signed up for my first IM I was a bit sceptical to take help from a coach. There are loads of info on the internet, social media etc. so why not just do it myself? Looking back at it all I wouldn’t have done it any other way. There are coaches, and there are coaches. Erik is the kind of coach that not only gives you a good training program to follow, but who is invested and engaged in his athlete. He has helped me with everything from small adjustments in the program, pep talks and essential information in race-prepping. Things that only an experienced, passionate coach can give you. Without these components, there is no way I would have completed all the hard work in order to perform so well in the races. With Erik as my coach during the last six months, I did not only get past the finish line to become an Ironman, but he also gave me the tools and confidence needed for me to actually be able to enjoy the race. So much, that I am even thinking about doing it again, something that I would have never even dreamed of a year ago, and for that I will be forever grateful!
During my time being coached by Erik I have donated in total 3500 kr to The Swedish Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden), which is Another thing to be very proud and glad for. This is all due to Erik’s generous payment method, to not accept money but to instead encourage donations to Charity.
/ IRONMAN Carolina 2023

Att förbereda sig för en Ironman är en lång, utmanande och rolig resa. Med hjälp av Erik och hans ”get it done”-attityd så blev den mer uppstyrd och seriös. Eriks erfarenhet är omfattande och det nära samarbetet skapade en stark accountability-känsla till min plan. Med ovärderliga tips och tricks tog jag mig till starten förberedd och kunde genomföra den tuffa tävlingen klart över förväntan.
Martin, Ironman Kalmar 2023
B:son Certified Ironman Coach Sweden and Swim Coach Ulf in collaboration.
Ulf -one of Sweden’s most experienced and successful swim coaches – is on the coaching shortlist for new and seasoned athletes. Ulf knows what is required to nail the Ironman swim leg.
Learn more and find contact details here: hausmannswimcoach.se.

Marathon and Half Marathon Running, New Zealand
I met Erik through group running coaching sessions held at my gym. I had never really considered my running technique before going along to a session but soon realised that to get the most out of the sport I needed to go back to basics. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, Erik quickly identified some simple changes I could make and gave me techniques to practice on my own. His coaching was really clear, encouraging and non-judgemental and I felt really supported in my endeavours. Erik is an incredible athlete in his own right and was very humble in sharing his knowledge.
Trail Running, New Zealand
Erik always had a great format for each coaching session focusing on 3 or 4 things. Erik explains everything clearly and precisely so that it is easily understood and implemented. My running and my form improved tremendously with the sessions and the info that Erik gave me so I am very happy with his coaching. Thank you!!!!
Ironman, New Zealand
Through the time I have been training under Erik I have been very appreciative. Erik was training for perhaps one of his biggest events in Kona, yet he still found time to take me onboard and get me started on a 24 week program for NZ Ironman 2020. I am enjoying getting into the structure of this program and am really looking forward to working with Erik over the next 5 months as he helps me to achieve my biggest challenge to date. I have never worked with a coach in triathlon before so am looking forward to seeing what I can achieve with Erik after ironman also.
Marathon Running, New Zealand
My experience with Erik as a coach has been more than I could ask for. He is an expert with detail and numbers so he knows in depth how to progress one’s fitness in the most efficient way possible while keeping you healthy and reducing risk of injury. He not only has the theoretical knowledge but he has the real world experience to back it up from his years of competing at a high level. He has true wisdom and perspective that can give you a strong mental edge when you really need to push yourself. Erik is a great coach and a great person and has helped me tremendously on my athletic journey.
Ironman and Ironman 70.3, Stockholm
Always available to answer even the most stupid questions, in easy terms that are understandable even for the very beginners. Erik has a broad knowledge on everything that helps to improve performance, from nutrition to the actual training plan.
Ironman 70.3, Stockholm
När jag började träna triathlon så kändes det mycket tryggare med en coach. Erik kunde helheten och det räckte att genomföra passen och lita på strukturen. Träningsschemat var väl anpassat efter mina färdigheter och det märktes, månad för månad, att träningen gav resultat. Väldigt bra och gedigen feedback. Även småsaker kan göra stor skillnad i längden. Erik fick mig att göra det lilla extra.
Running after injury, Stockholm
Har upplevt coachingen som deltaljerad, noggrann, och genomtänkt. Förutsättningarna för måluppfyllelse är de bästa.
Ironman, Stockholm
Jag upplever Erik som oerhört kunnig, påläst och med en tydlig inriktning. Erik har ett syfte med alla pass och lämnar inga detaljer åt slumpen. Samtidigt finns det utrymme och känsla för när det är läge att bromsa snarare än att gasa, och de gånger kravet är att köra passen, trots trötthet, så har det visat sig vara en korrekt analys i efterhand.
10 km Running, Stockholm (ATEA Winners)
Tack för en suverän Coaching inför SM milen i Stockholm 2018. Jag lärde mig mycket om vardagsträning som jag tagit med mej och har mycket nytta av när jag tränar. Det jag haft mest nytta av är att med planering och kontinuitet få det resultat man är ute efter!

Stockholm Marathon 2022 and Ironman Ireland 2022
I am currently training for my first Ironman and consider myself lucky to have been put in touch with Erik.
Erik has a wealth of knowledge and experience which is invaluable to someone who is new to triathlons. On top of this, he is empathetic and understanding to the individual challenges faced along the way. I have progressed so much with his guidance and am gaining confidence in completing my first Ironman!
/ Conor, Sub 4 Stockholm Marathon 2022

/ Jakob, Stockholm Marathon 2022 finisher, only 17 years old!

- A coach who makes you feel seen and heard, makes you focus on your WHY with the training
- Always have health in focus to not put too much pressure on your body, and be aware of your limitations
- Great to bring people together for the fun both during and after running.
- Trying to make you aware of the progress you have already accomplished to gain more self-confidence
- Have taught me that the small things that many people skip will be the difference in the end if you do them
/ Fabian, Ironman 70.3 2021 and Stockholm Marathon 2022 Finsher 3 hrs

I got in contact with Erik when I decided to get back on my fitness journey. From the very beginning, Erik has been incredibly motivational and understanding. With Erik’s help, I have managed to go from struggling through 3km jogs, to completing my second full marathon. I have a long way to go but I am excited to reach more goals with Erik’s expert coaching!
/ Kate, Stockholm Marathon finisher 2022

I love Erik’s no-nonsens-attitude. As long as you put the work in, everything is possible! Erik coached me towards Stockholm Marathon 2022. It was my first marathon. Erik’s coachning was a valueable part of my preparations and an important reason behind my successful marathon debut.
/ Johan, Stockholm Marathon 2022 Finisher, 3h 6mins

”Great feedback for a better running technique.
After each conversation you get motivated to reach your goal and think of the next step to get it.”
/ Philip, Stockholm Marathon 2022 Finsher
- Det blev ett nytt PB med råge (tidigare runt 47.30) /…/ Hade inte du varit med så hade jag nog slagit av på takten runt 6 km så återigen, tack för peppen!
- Väldigt nyttigt att få lite teori bakom ett schema. Bra förklaring till att passen är upplagda som de är.
- Väldigt bra att få ett schema och att det följdes upp på de digitala träffarna. Hade jag kört helt själv hade jag nog skippat vissa pass de dagar det kändes lite motigt.
/ ATEA Winners, Sub 45-gruppen – digital coaching vt 2022 mot Sthlm10 10km